Thursday, November 12, 2009

In search of the perfect Christmas card photo...

About this time of year I start looking back thru all the 10,005 pictures on my computer looking for that "perfect" photo for the Christmas card. I kinda like this one...
My mother took this photo just after she dropped us off at the airport and kissed us goodbye for yet another one of our "European Adventures"... that was funded by spare change, 4 free plane tickets and hotel points.
I don't understand people who don't like traveling with their children...
Traveling with kids is fun... as long as you follow a few simple rules.

Rule #1 Pack light... even if you are going to be gone for 2+ weeks in a foreign country... everyone is ONLY allowed 1 backpack...that's it. And they have to carry it themselves. I simply refuse to check a bag at the airport. Pack light... travel far... is my motto.

Rule # 2 Pack a zip baggie full of snacks... which includes gum so you don't have to pay $22 for a pack of sugarless trident at the airport.

Rule #3 Give your children money in which they can spend on anything they want. Snacks, candy, wool socks, a rainbow slinky... whatever. It's their money to spend. On this particular trip we gave them money when we landed in each country. It's a brilliant plan I tell you.
If ever in London... I highly recommend Harrods food halls...
Rule #4 Avoid restaurants... why spend $50+ on fancy restaurant food that you may or may not like when you can spend 45 minutes in the local grocery looking at all the unusual food/packaging/displays... kids love doing this. It's even better when it's a sunny day and you can picnic in the park.
Rule #5 Museums... they are on the top of our list each and every trip. What's a trip without a museum? Do your homework and pick some that everyone will enjoy. And if they are free... even better!
Even graveyards can be fun...So can castles that have costumes...
Looking for the Loch Ness Monster can be fun too...
if you are willing to pay 20 pence for a peek because your mother won't give you any this would count as a personal expense.

However she is not so totally cheap because she did pay to rent for paddle boats in Hyde Park for an hour...

Rule #6 Book exciting travel accommodations...
Just because you save up your free hotel points for 2 years so you can stay in a very expensive hotel next to a castle you could otherwise not afford....does not guarantee you a bed in this family... This is a great example of why it pays to travel with YOUNG children... one of them can sleep on the couch... thus saving you from having to book 2 rooms and having to use up the valuable hotel points.If you ever have the opportunity to travel via overnight train with children... I HIGHLY recommend it. Not because you will necessarily be able to sleep (you won't).... but simply because it is fun (in the mind of a child). Plus as an added bonus they give you *free* overnight travel kits with mini toothpaste/brushes and a hot breakfast in bed at 6 AM. Plus walking down to the dinning car at 11pm in your pajamas for hot cocoa and cookies is AWESOME!
You know what they say.... half the fun is getting there.
Kids love taking the subway...
you never know who you are going to meet... or sit next to... it's great fun for people watching.
And even though we live in the Northwest where ferries are common... there is something about riding a ferry in another country (Ireland) that is exciting.

Rule #7 Be sure and add "Natural Wonders" to your list of things to see...
Like for instance the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland...
If only for the reason that your father will let you hang off the side of a cliff even though it is WELL MARKED that you should not to do this...
Because your mother is inside a little cafe enjoying tea... and chocolate smarties... and oh look... are those just the cutest sugar cubes/rocks you have ever seen?
Yes, traveling with kids is a blast... I highly recommend it.Here is another Christmas card photo possibility... but then... that's another story... for another day.


  1. When did you go on this trip? And I am EXTREMELY impressed with how light you traveled. Makes me feel like I could maybe do something like that...someday...

  2. Mama JJ: We went in April... and had a great time. As for packing light... pack old under garments and toss them out towards the end of the trip to make room for souvenirs. And you CAN DO IT... just pick a date... book the tickets... and don't look back :)

  3. We are in the making plans stage and it is amazing how far you can get on points and for free! :) Lovely pics...I am getting excited to go!

  4. Camille: where are you thinking about going??? I must know... I LOVE TRIPS!!!!!!

  5. Wow! This makes me excited for our kids to be a bit older. I am so looking forward to traveling once Jamey is employed again. Maybe I should start planning now....


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!