Monday, January 4, 2010

Tonto and the tepee Part 2...

Creepy Gnome guy was out and about today...
He was bothering Tonto...
trying to tell Tonto about the ways of HIS people...
HIS people being the ones who eat fast food and love electronics...

But Tonto chased him away...
and then turned his attention to me...Mavis...
He tried to impress me with his giant tepee...

But I told Tonto that I couldn't move to his tepee...
I mean just because I'm trying to be frugal and grow 2,000lbs of vegetables this summer to feed my family real food does not mean I want to move to a tepee... And anyway... I'm not into sleeping on dirt floors...

But then Tonto called out to "Little Tan Man"...
"Little Tan Man... go get my pelt..."

"I will impress Mavis with my leopard pelt..."

"Ahhh... but Tonto... it's illegal to hunt leopards..."

Tonto said he did not know of this...
and that he would check with the Big Chief when he returns from
"The Big Hunt"....

When will that be Tonto?
Tonto not sure... Big Chief has been gone many, many moons...


...something tells me Big Chief
is not coming back from the Big Hunt...


  1. Hahaha!! Thanks for the laugh!! It was much needed!! =)

  2. Tonto really needs to work on the outside of his hut, perhaps if it were covered in skins he would have more luck. I hope the giant chicken monster did not do to much damage, poor chief.

  3. Thyhand, Kathy, & Mr. H... I think the effects of winter/cabin fever are taking their toll on me... at this rate the next post will have me in my tutu performing a rain dance or something...


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!