Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekly Dinner update...ummm not so much...

It's been a crazy week here at Mavis's house...
I only ended up with about 1/2 of my dinner pictures so here are a few other random ones of things that went on this week...

The handsome husband left his change unattended...
translation: I stole it... and put it in the piggy bank (Ciao Baby)

Have I shown you this photo yet?

I love it!!!
It's like a forest...of moss... for all the little bugs that I can't see...

So long Panera...
It was fun while it lasted...

Our house was invaded by peeps again this weekend...
I made them homemade waffles for breakfast...

And gave the left over fruit to the chickens...

I planted the rest of my spring peas this weekend...
Now I just have to wait 70 days..
and then it will be stir fry city around here...

I turned a few of my garden beds over...
This year's garden is going to be the best ever...
With straw, grass clippings, leaves and donations from the chickens...
I'm thinking I'll be able to grow a large amount of vegetables this summer.

The handsome husband granted me my birthday wish...
He fixed the garden gate for me...
With a new latch and everything...
Wooo Hooo... a real gate...

Would you get a look at these?
I'm glad I planted one garden bed of peas a little earlier this year...
Yumm a licious!

The kale is looking nice...

And so are my Walla Walla Onions...

And the cabbage too...

It's projects like these (fixing garden gates)...
that I'm thankful things like this fall under the "Husband Category"...
You know... the same one that includes lifting heavy things, digging holes, driving Mavis around... cleaning out the garage, unclogging toilets, cleaning the gutters...

When you think about it... it kinda offsets the little things like snoring... not knowing where the dishes are in the house... and never having to wash laundry.

Life is sooo much easier when the roles are clearly defined...

Who on earth would pay $3 for some cute white plastic garden markers when you can use old sour cream tubs? Along with the peas... I planted 1/2 a garden box full of beets... I was never a fan of the beet (pickled beets yes...any other way no) until this past fall...when we roasted beets... now... I like them... and want to plant lot's of them... plus the chickens really liked all the beet greens I gave them last summer... so there's a little something for everyone...

Oh and looky here...
It's time for me to get busy transplanting all those tomato seedlings in a few days...
So I washed out a bunch of recycled 3" planting containers...

Then I ate a burrito...
Ahhh... I love my homemade refried beans...

And just in case you were wondering what I picked up for free this weekend...
EVERYTHING ON THE TABLE... plus I made $4.14 with all my coupons and rebates and what not... I can pretty much guarantee that every person on my Christmas list will be receiving a year supply of beauty/toiletry products this year...Ahhh coupons... you gotta love 'em.


  1. Well ... I guess I'll have to choose meal number one (not that you gave me much choice;) HH did a nice job on the garden gate . .. a romantic gate if gates can be called romantic. BTW .. at last night's HOA board meeting (I'm the secretary/treasurer) I mentioned wanting chickens.. some of the other board members said they wanted chickens too (LOL!) We'll see how far this goes ... Our CC&R's expire in 2012 .. maybe we'll amend them too .. of course I have to wait until my bird dog goes to the big bird house in the sky;(

  2. Your little plants look lovely. I love green things.

  3. oooh a gate! I live in hope of a gate ;) Loving the baby plant pics, makes me itch to get some seed in!

    I'm constantly amazed at your coupon finds - there is nothing like it over here...

  4. Mrs Mac... I'm in love with the new gate!

    Thyhand... I love green things too...especially green things that I can eat :)

    Naomi...I'm turning into a crazy coupon lady... it's probably a good thing you don't have them over there :)

  5. The sour cream tub plant markers are ingenious! I will be making some later this week...thank you!

    ps...thank you for the note card/ministry support. They're on their way to you as we speak!


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!