Now, I've never grown butternut squash before but I do know they are suppose to be a tan color.
But this is what my butternuts look like.....
pale yellow...trying to be tan...
do I keep letting them grow til frost?
Will they even grow with the evening temps hovering around 45 degrees here in Seattle?
Will they ripen in time?
Do I chuck them onto the compost bin?
What do I do?
I did read that you can use up the babies like you would summer squash so I am going to try that in some stir fry tonight....
but what do I do with the big guys?
I really hope I don't have to toss them....
I really want to eat them...
I need the poundage.
pale yellow...trying to be tan...
do I keep letting them grow til frost?
Will they ripen in time?
Do I chuck them onto the compost bin?
What do I do?
but what do I do with the big guys?
I really hope I don't have to toss them....
I really want to eat them...
I need the poundage.
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