Monday, October 19, 2009

Marathon Monday update.....

What can I say.....
We were total slackers last week....
The highlight of last week was...
Mrs. Hillbilly ended up at the Urgent Care center getting an x ray of her foot...
The foot is not broken.... but there is something wrong with her foot.
I just can't pronounce her ailment...
starts with planter fl.......

So instead of walking.... we went shoe shopping instead. Because whatever ailment she has can be fixed by either

a) not walking
b) proper shoes
Here she is at the fancy running shoe store....
(FYI> there are no prices on any of the shoes.... I don't know about you...but to me that is a major red flag)
Mr. Fancy walking/running shoe man is fitting her for the proper shoe....
Now... I'm not sure if you can see this shoe.... but it is not the most attractive thing on the market.
#1... it's white
#2 has leather/vinyl reflective strips
#3 ...white mesh
If you put an U.. G.. L.. and a Y together ...what does that spell?
But it feels good.... and Mrs Hillbilly wants you to know that even though her shoe is not going to be worn on the red carpet anytime soon...that her feet feel much better... and apparently that's the whole point of buying "good shoes".

Now.... let's get one thing straight.... I don't like to spend money...

just ask anyone who knows me....

unless it's on something exciting like travel... costumes..or candy.

However... I do need new walking shoes.... and I will not spend my husbands hard earned money on ugly shoes...
Which is all they sold at that fancy shoe store...
So what if they feel good on your feet....
it's only 26.2 miles...
Sure my feet might hurt for a few days after the marathon....
but I think I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

So I made Mrs Hillbilly go to the "pretty" shoe store for my shoes...

Even though these shoes "look" pretty & sporty... sadly... they do not "feel sporty" ... Trust me... I even ran around the store for a minute.... they only feel good when you are standing still...

looks... I give them an A+
but for walking a marathon.... a likely D
But they were cute....

So what does this mean for Mavis? I don't know.... but I do know one thing.... I am not wearing white mesh shoes with reflective strips that's for sure.
Mavis: Longest distance walked last week 12 miles
Mrs Hillbilly: Longest distance walked last week: 5.1 miles


  1. If you are looking for good walking/running shoes, you may want to try Sierra Trading Post's website. They carry discounted name brands and sometimes have really good deals. Just a thought if those lovelies don't work out:-).

  2. Yup...good shoes for walking is my motto...not cute, but comfy! AND good support...but there you go, that's from someone who knows the consequences! :) Hope you sort it all out and the new shoes work for Mrs. Hillbilly!

  3. ThyHand... Thanks for the website info I will look it up today.

    Camille... I just don't understand why they can't make "cute" running/walking shoes. mrs. Hillbilly LOVES her shoes...she won't stop talking about them...If I end up back at that shoe store it will be a very sad day :(


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!