Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stomach Pains?

Botulism update: I woke up this morning with stomach pains. I'm not sure if this has to do with the canned beans I made for dinner last night or if I am actually experiencing "hunger pains" because I only "grazed" at dinner last night. I decided the best remedy would be to grab 3 chocolate chips cookies from the freezer, make a cup of tea and get back in bed.

But hey, on that note....
Here is the recipe I used for the Green Bean Casserole....

I decided to use a recipe from the Mennonite Community Cookbook...
Cast of don't need the onion....
I have no idea why I included it in the picture.
Basically, combine the beans, cream of mushroom soup,milk and salt to the dish.
As soon as I opened the can of soup I remembered that I don't like cream of mushroom soup...
But the handsome husband was already on his way home so I went ahead and made it anyway...
And I figured that the toxic smell of the canned mushroom soup was my penance for joking around about a serious illness like botulism...
It says to use 1/2 cup of buttered bread crumbs but I used 1 full cup...
I recently discovered my camera has a macro/micro feature on it for close up shots...
There is something creepy about the way cream of mushroom soups looks after it is cooked....
It reminds me of dead people.
I have no idea why.

Now after this lovely post I'm sure you are going to rush into your kitchen and whip up some green bean casserole...

But before you do that.... here is what the handsome husband had to say.

Aren't you suppose to put those fried onion things on the top?
The recipe was from 1950... the fried onions in a can were not invented yet.
Well, maybe if you added some bacon it would taste better...
What would you rate this recipe?
2.5 out of 5
Do you want to eat this this again...
So there you have it folks... the crappy green bean casserole that nobody eats" is still the crappy bean casserole that nobody wants to eat. I have no idea why magazines publish this recipe (and others just like it) every year in magazines for Thanksgiving....maybe it is a love it or hate it kind of dish....I have no idea...

Which still leaves me in need of a bean recipe (canned beans) for Thanksgiving dinner.

P.S. It has now taken me a 1/2 hour to write this....and I am happy to report that my stomach pain has gone away...probably due to my eating chocolate chip cookies and tea... unless I'm hallucinating...which in fact is another possible symptom...


  1. Glad you're alive... and that HH hated the green bean casserole!! I too think the soup looks disgusting when cooked and don't know anyone who actually likes the classic GBC. You've got 5 weeks to find a recipe!

  2. Once again, awesome hilarious post!! We are not fans of the Almighty Green bean Casserole either. For some reason every stinkan Thanksgiving & Christmas my brother makes it and mostof it sits in the dish, staring at us. I don't have the heart to tell him that it actually is rather'd think after about 5yrs of nobody touching it he'd get a clue...I wonder though...if it woudl taste any better with cream of chicken soup...but I don't dare try!!!

  3. Meester and Kathy: Sadly I don't think cream of chicken soup would taste good either. I just think green beans and creamed soup are not made to go together. I found a recipe for baked corn... that is next on the Thanksgiving trial list... I'll keep you updated!

  4. We just heat up the canned green beans and eat them up. The kids prefer frozen ones, though. For those I boil them till tender, and if I'm feeling fancy, drizzle on some browned butter. Yum.

    Glad you're still alive and kicking...

  5. The family I married into makes a cheesy green bean casserole - with plenty of french fried onions on top. I think that is why it's a holiday favorite - those french fried onions are the only par I ever liked growing up. I think they just use a canned cheddar cheese soup in place of the 'cream of' variety - it might be good with beer cheese soup - you're supposed to put vegetables in that.

  6. Thanks MamaJJ & Stephanie.... I am working on a trade...trying to get out of the green bean dish so I can bring roasted vegetables instead. I like eating green beans straight out of the jar... I don't even care if they are heated up...

  7. Once again you have made my evening with a funny story...I can always count on you Mavis!! :) I wasn't aware that you were in this type of situation...I suppose I didn't "check in" on your blog last here we are at the end of your home canned bean story! I love it that you treated your tummy ache with chocolate chips and tea...what a great solution!
    Have a great night!

  8. Oops...make that chocolate chip cookies! I read chocolate chips...that would be my solution to many fo life's problems. :)

  9. Where I come from, this is intended to be made with some incarnation of a frozen green bean. It's no good with canned beans, they are too mushy. I wish I had some blanched beans in my freezr, but no worries, my grandmother always makes this for holidays. When made with a nice crisp blanched bean, this is actually enjoyable.


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