I think Mrs. Hillbilly is thankful that the Indian costume I brought for her to wear this morning did not fit... Actually... in fact I KNOW she is thankful.
About 10am I was thankful for those back yard chickens of mine... and their eggs...(for pies)... The chickens are thankful that they are chickens... and not turkeys...
When we arrived at our Thanksgiving Dinner destination I ran into a few other people that were incredibly thankful as well... for instance...
Little Miss Lawyer pants is thankful that she is pregnant. Translation= she no longer has to "look" for a job. She can now spend her days getting big... and plump... taking naps and growing Kale.
Ice Man is also thankful that Little Miss layer pants is pregnant (look how proud of himself he is)... because now his in-laws will stop pestering him with inappropriate question's like... "when are you going to get our daughter pregnant so we can have a grandchild?"

When we arrived at our Thanksgiving Dinner destination I ran into a few other people that were incredibly thankful as well... for instance...
Their dog...Mr. Happy... is thankful for his trendy human caregivers... for buying/and making him wear a doggie version of depends... because now he can lay around all day in his denim underwear, watch t.v., lick scraps off the floor and take taps whenever he chooses too... Sounds to me like a dog/man's dream come true.
This is Papa...
he is thankful the guys dressed up as security officers, performed mission impossible moves that would make Tom Cruise gasp and sprung him from the re-hab center he has been staying in since his nasty fall and brought him to Thanksgiving dinner. Although, he does look a little like Don Corleone is this photo... I suspect if they don't let him go home next week someone is going to get whacked...
This is leopard girl...we have this tradition of looking thru the black Friday adds... then we have the same conversation every year about how you would have to be crazy to wake up at 4 am and fight the crowds to save $2 off a pair of socks... Who does that anyway? Luckily, my pilgrim thrift and puritan ways have taught me to save money via other means...
Like continually showing up to family events in costume. Trust me...this proven method works... Your mother will be so afraid that you will show up to the next family function as Cleopatra or the Fruit of the Loom Grape... that she will shower you with gifts of clothing... including
socks...for the simple reason that she doesn't want you going out in public because you "cause embarrassment to the family."

he is thankful the guys dressed up as security officers, performed mission impossible moves that would make Tom Cruise gasp and sprung him from the re-hab center he has been staying in since his nasty fall and brought him to Thanksgiving dinner. Although, he does look a little like Don Corleone is this photo... I suspect if they don't let him go home next week someone is going to get whacked...
socks...for the simple reason that she doesn't want you going out in public because you "cause embarrassment to the family."
Dr. Rita/Indian Woman and my Mother are thankful for daughters who cook entire Thanksgiving feasts...without complaint. And YES...thank you for asking... they are planning on going on an African Safari later... note the flashy satin moo moo top and leopard print ensembles)
The Great Scotsman is thankful that nobody points out that he only carves 1/2 the turkey... even when their are 15 people at Thanksgiving dinner. Oh... and DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT asking for a little turkey to take home for leftovers....not gonna happen.
And thank goodness for pictures... I almost forgot about this...
This is where Indian woman tries to trade me for my beloved egg beater I brought over on the Mayflower for some sort of Indian rattle...and notice the Indian hat?... She is trying to convert me...but I don't give in... I just smile for the photographer hoping that this will make a good impression on the folks back home in England.
We decide to break bread together instead... Here she is offering me the first plate for the Thanksgiving feast... The handsome husband pointed out that if this were really the first Thanksgiving... that the Men would be at the front of the buffet line... and the wenches would be at the back... I'm sorry...What time did you say you have to work tomorrow? Oh... that's to bad... cause this wench will be sleeping in... and then lounging around in her flannel pajama's all morning eating left overs and typing this up for the blog...heck... I may not even take a shower today... So you go ahead... puff up that big hairless chest of yours and try calling me a wench one more time...c'mon... give it a try...What? What was that? Oh you don't like eating cold cereal for dinner? Too Bad... the wench was busy all day :)
This is where Indian woman tries to trade me for my beloved egg beater I brought over on the Mayflower for some sort of Indian rattle...and notice the Indian hat?... She is trying to convert me...but I don't give in... I just smile for the photographer hoping that this will make a good impression on the folks back home in England.
Love it. PS when I drove by Kohl's & Target parking lots this morning at 5:30 AM they were full. And I mean like no spots available full.