Monday, November 2, 2009

Marathon monday update.....

Is it possible to train for a (walking) marathon on a treadmill?

The weather has been cold and rainy in Seattle lately...
which I actually don't mind.... because I need a fair amount of rain to be happy.
I 'd like to think it offsets the hot (yuck) but necessary days of summer needed
to grow vegetables in my backyard....

So bring on the rain....
unless I need to go out and walk ...oh I don't know....say 15 miles.
Then.... Houston... we have a problem.

First of all....
My mother is going to call...and tell me I shouldn't be outside walking in the rain because I'm going to catch a cold... then end up in the hospital.... and that costs money you know Mavis... And we all know how you don't like to spend money....
Plus... on top of that you know that you break out into a rash within 10 minutes of entering any hospital because of your sensitive skin.... don't you remember the time you sat in one of those vinyl chairs when I was having knee surgery and you broke out in hives???? And how I made the nurse take a look at you? Do you remember that Mavis ...huh? .... and now here we are during cold and flu season and you refuse to get a flu shot will probably catch the flu anyway because you are out walking in the rain.... and secretly I know you are doing this whole marathon thing over Thanksgiving weekend just so you won't have to go Christmas shopping with me and the girls.....

Sooo.... long story short....
The handsome husband brought the treadmill inside this week so I could walk in a warm, dry place....
Ummm... why didn't I think of this sooner?
I can walk AND watch a movie (or 2) at the same time ....
The only drawback is.... I can't stop at all the grocery stores in town and scrounge for free samples....

So to answer my own question...YES it is possible to walk indoors on a treadmill for 15 miles.... but a word of advise... grab a few movies first...

Mavis: Longest distance walked last week: 15 miles....
Mrs. Hillbilly:


  1. Good for you. I've watched movies on the treadmill many a time. Let me clarify, portions of movies- I was attempting to jog, there was no way I was going to last the entire length of a movie. Keep up the good work, lady!

  2. Thanks ThyHand... this accountability thing has it's good points...if you say it out loud have to do it :) Next year I think I'll pick a different "end of the garden season" project :)

  3. I think you are doing amazing!! Are you going to keep up with the walking habit after the marathon??


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