Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No more fresh tomatoes... until next year...

Back in March when we still had snow on the ground I planted my tomato seeds...
15 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes.
Since I don't have a fancy greenhouse or florescent lamps I just placed the trays in the windowsill and rotated them everyday.
About mid-April I started setting them out for a few hours each day on the deck...
By the end of April I was able to set them out in my super cheesy mini greenhouse. And would you believe not one of them died/wilted.
Then about mid May I started planting them in every possible container I could find...
And of course... in the garden boxes as well...
About 60 heirloom tomato plants in all.
On July 6th I picked my first tomato...
By August the were starting to cover the kitchen counters...
and come September I was processing them just about every third day...
Until finally... In late September there were no more ripe red tomatoes... just green ones...
But I picked them and boxed them up anyway... and put them in the pantry ... because I read somewhere that you can actually pick green tomatoes... and they will ripen...
It's true... they did ripen...over the course of about 6 weeks...
But now... I have no more fresh tomatoes...
they're all gone....

Except a collection of these...
Tomato Sauce, Salsa, and Sun Dried tomatoes in the freezer...

Oh well...

To everything there is a season...


  1. We're down to our last, too. They've all ripened and I'm keeping a medium sized bowl of our lasts in the fridge for Friday nights- pizza night. My favorite pizza is pesto/fresh tomato slices/mozzarella. Oh, how I will miss them, too. Ripe tomatoes in mid November. Does it get any better?

  2. Fresh tomatoes are nice...but you will also enjoy that salsa and other stuff you canned...blessings upon blessings!

  3. Thyhand: I so LOVE real tomatoes...

    Camille: I'm loving the salsa I canned this can never have enough salsa...that's for sure :)


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