Friday, December 25, 2009

My favorite gifts (to give) of 2009...

Good Christmas Morning to everyone!

I thought I would share with you a few of my favorite gifts that I gave this year...

a photo album...

For the last couple of years we have put together a photo album of the past years events and highlights... We send this to a special family member who lives far away. They say it's their favorite gift every year.


A friend of mine emailed me saying she was putting together a couple of gift baskets for a family she knew of... They had just found out their 19 year old daughter has stage 4 cancer... and will be starting chemo in a week and wanted to know if I could donate something.

And although I was happy to give this gift... I wish I didn't have to give it (meaning... I wish the young lady didn't have cancer in the first place).

But with the help of my Mother, we put together this gift basket for her:

Since I didn't know the girl personally all I had to go on was her size, and that her parents were getting her an ipod for Christmas (to listen to during chemo treatments) and that she liked to crochet.

So Mom and I bought 2 pairs of flannel pj's... (one of them even has gnomes on them) a crochet book and I-tunes gift card, two bags of oreo's (instead of shredded paper on the bottom) and a special cancer hat I made...because really... knitted hats are so last year...

I hope she likes it... I hope it brightens her day just a bit...
Because Cancer sucks.... especially when you are 19... and it's stage 4...


On a happier note....


I was thrilled to send Thyhand a surprise box of lemons...

part "Merry Christmas" and part "Get Well Soon."

I'm glad I met her thru blogging...
I only wish she was my neighbor in real life.


Baby Chicks...

After Rita the chicken was eaten by a raccoon...
I decided to give her namesake Dr. Rita/Indian Woman
a flock of chicks...

via the Heifer program...


There is one thing I wish I could of bought/bartered for this Christmas....

I know for certain it would of made my "favorite gifts" list...


Too bad you can't put "neighborhood full of snow... 6" deep that lasts 4-5 days" on your "Wish List"... I mean if you can ask for new flannel pj's, hot coco and a gift card to Panera... then why can't you ask for a fresh blanket of snow? Last year it snowed on and off from mid December til New Years... and it was simply... the best gift...

Merry Christmas Everyone...


  1. Merry Christmas Mavis! I hope that today finds you feeling better.

  2. Thanks Mr. & Mrs. H... I hope someone over at your house is thrilled to bits over their year supply of toothpaste :)

  3. Merry Christmas, Mavis!! You ARE my neighbor- who says neighbors have to live on the same street, or in the same state for that matter? The lemons were such a happy, bright spot in my otherwise lousy, lousy day. Thanks, dear:-).

  4. What a great post Mavis ~ Lovely gifts you gave! I agree that the photo album (full of meaningful pics) is a GREAT gift! Last year I did a little scrapbook of our previous year to each of the Grandparents...what a lot of work...but SO nice to give (and receive).

    You are so sweet to have sent lemons to Thy Hand...I read her blog too (I think that's how I found you)...anyway...I know why that would have been a FABULOUS gift! Well done! :)

    What a lovely basket for the young lady with cancer...I am sure she will so appreciate it.

    AND SNOW...oh I do remember last was so wonderful to have snow for Christmas...but we DO live in the West and it is rare...maybe in January?? :)


  5. Camille... last years snow WAS the best... I agree.

  6. Those are some pretty awesome gifts. Gift-giving is your love language, no? (You've heard about that book, right?)

  7. MamaJJ... hmmm... I've never thought it that way.


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!