Monday, December 14, 2009

What has Mavis been up to lately?

So... I bet you're asking yourself...

What else has Mavis been up to besides coming up with frugal
Christmas gift idea's...


Chickens: Would you believe my chickens are still laying 3 eggs a day in 25 degree weather? I have to trek out there every morning and clean their water thing, melt the ice and fill it back up again with warm water so I can keep them in production. I wonder if they thought I was serious when I put the "fear of chicken soup" in them. A few weeks back I told them they better not slack off during the prime baking season... or else it was the soup pot for them.... I'm impressed. I should think about becoming a chicken farmer. One night it got down into the single digits... but they keep nice and warm inside their trendy Eglu... see all that straw? Who wouldn't be warm snuggled up in all of that?

As you can clearly see...
we have an overachiever in the bunch...
One of those birds definitely wants to stay out of the soup pot.

It's been FREEZING cold here the last week and a half... I wonder if my leeks are still growing? If so... how are they able to grow when there is no heat... I don't understand it. If they are growing in the 25 degree weather then what else can I grow in the dead of winter?

Basil: With all this cold weather I was missing my garden and feeling the desperate need to grow something... so now I'm trying to grow basil indoors...under a giant florescent blue light bulb... So far so good... If this works out... I may just start growing all my food indoors...

Supply: It's almost GONE!!!! Ummm let's just say if the power goes out... we will be burning the kitchen cabinets.

Random Act of Kindness: I donated a bag of peanuts (that were gifted to me) to my backyard squirrels... I consider it my "Good Karma" gift to them... for staying out of my garden all summer...

It's like a dream come true... for a squirrel...

But with every GOOD deed comes one to balance it out...

I bit the head off of a gingerbread man...

Do you think a gingerbread man who has not received his
red hot eyes or his raisin buttons...has feelings?


  1. Your leeks look wonderful. I had absolutely no luck with leeks.

  2. I just got my gingerbread and sugar cookie supplies yesterday. I have absolutely no idea when I'll have time to bake them, but I missed last year and I will not miss my Christmas cookie baking two years in a row!

  3. MamaJJ... I hope the leeks make it... they are taking FOREVER... they were suppose to be my Christmas Leeks... but now I'm thinking they will be my Valentine Leeks... I should move to a Bio Dome so I can grow my food indoors all year round.

    Leopard Girl...Costco is selling a 1 gallon jug of molasses for $6.99... with that much molasses you could build an entire village... Let me know if you want me to send over the girl who thinks she's a bird to help :)


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!