Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to cook Dried Lima Beans...

...Accidentally order "eating beans"... instead of "bean seeds."
Then, ask everyone "How do I cook Lima Beans?"
Then... when comments magically appear in your comment box...
Follow every ones advise...
Place the beans in a pot and simmer 10 oz of beans with 4 cups of water for about 2 hours...

Drain the beans...

Then add 4 cups of chicken stock to pan...

and simmer those stubbornly hard beans for another 2 hours...

At some point during the cooking process examine the lima bean and come to the conclusion that it kinda looks like a creepy garden slug...

Drain beans a 2nd time...

Add 1 quart of home made/canned tomato sauce to the pan...since the sauce has chunks of carrots, onion, garlic,basil and peppers...determine that you do not need to add any other vegetables to the sauce...

Add the beans back to the sauce...

And simmer...

Covered... for like another 2 hours...

Then remember... "Oh hey, wait a second... I still have like 10,005lbs of sausage in the freezer from that stupid Oktoberfest party"...
then add 4 (variety unknown) sausages to the mix...

While you are waiting (for 6 hours) to cook your beans...
you might want to make this... (minus the fresh dill).
Then... finally...when the beans are ready...
dish 'em up...

And determine that.... HOLY STINKIN COW...
this is so good... it was worth the 6 hour wait...

It's so good... that you'll want to go back for seconds...

And you'd even go back for thirds... if your husband didn't ask to have some in his lunch tomorrow...

Apparently Speed Racer and Racer X took a wrong turn...
and were late for dinner...
Sorry boys... you snooze... you loose.


  1. Yaay!! So glad it turned out for you...I enjoyed this post...made me chuckle as usual. :) Have a fabulous day!

  2. Yummy! That looks and sounds delicious. Those lima beans really puffed up, they must be magical.

  3. Camille... yipee ya who... I now know how to cook dried beans... there is hope for me yet :)

    Mr. H... Yes... indeed they are magical :) I saved 3 to see if I can grow a magic bean stalk out of them...

  4. Nice work! They look delicious. So...are you going to be ordering more dried beans next year??

  5. Thyhand... I think I should try and grow them.... I saved 3 beans like you suggested... I'm hoping for a bumper crop... or a magical beanstalk....HEY... maybe I'll find the goose that lays the golden eggs too :)


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!