Step #1... When a lady from the PTA calls you at 8am on a Monday morning and wants to know "If you'd like to help us out next week...the kids are doing a play at school ...and they have 2 weeks of dress rehearsals.. and we need volunteers to make dinner for 125 kids for 10 nights... can you help us out and make just 1 dinner (at your own expense) and then serve it to the 125 kids...?"
What? How many? Are you really asking me to do this?
"We just need you to do it for one night?"
What? How many? Are you really asking me to do this?
"We just need you to do it for one night?"
Step #2 Because you are a total idiot...say "OH SURE... I'D LOVE TO"... then hang up the phone and try and figure out how the heck you are going to feed 125 kids dinner for ultra cheap.
Step #3 Have a light bulb moment... and say PANCAKES.... I'll feed 'em PANCAKES
Step #4 Wake up at the crack of dawn... and start flippin hot cakes...
in your pajamas of course...and hey... since you're gonna be at this awhile...why not have a little fun with it... and make a few gingerbread man pancakes while you are at it...
Step #5 When your feet are throbbing because you've been standing over a hot griddle for what seems like an eternity... sit down and eat a few...
Step #6 At some point you will in fact realize that if each kid eats 3 pancakes...
you will have to make 375 pancakes...
At this point you can either
A: Take a hit of soccer mom crack...
B. Try and find the liquor filled chocolates someone gave you for Christmas and eat the entire box in hopes the liquor will ease the pain...
C. Pretty much come to the conclusion that if Little Miss PTA calls you again asking for your help this year... you will egg her house.
Step #7 Leave a batch of pancakes unattended in hopes that when the smoke alarm goes off your handsome husband will come and rescue you and finish making the 200 pancakes you have yet to cook... (FYI: this plan does not work)
Step #8 When a strange looking kid comes into the room wearing black sunglasses and a fake moustache throw your arms up in the air and head to the grocery store to see what else you can make the 125 kids for super cheap...
Hmmm... muffins? But I'd have to make 125 of them... let's see that's like 8 boxes... times $3 $24 bucks? Forget that...
Step # 9 Remind yourself that you are not suppose to be buying processed food or crappy meat products... so buy a bag of fruit instead and supplies to make homemade muffins...
Step #10 Bake 125 muffins... Banana, coffee cake and blueberry... using this recipe... (just reduce the berries down to 2 cups and cook for 25 minutes)
Step #12 Because you are super smart... you will have frozen your pancakes...
And when the big day finally arrives you will place them on lined baking sheets in the oven for 30 minutes @300 degrees to thaw out/warm up...
Step #15... Take a deep breath.... it's OVER!!!
Don't for get to bring home the left overs...
Now if you're asking yourself... Mavis... how much did it REALLY cost you...?
Pancakes & Syrup $25
Fruit and muffins $20
and a lot of time... but hey... that's what I'm here for ...
See.... now technically... I could of probably fed 125 kids for $10... if I'd fed them oatmeal...
But really now... who wants to be known as "The weird Mom who made us oatmeal for dinner?"
I'd rather be "The fun Mom who made us pancakes"...
So there you have it... How to feed 125 kids for under $45...
Have a nice day !
Holy moley! 125 kids, you are crazy.:) I can't even begin to fathom the effort involved in cooking that much food...yikes. Great job!
ReplyDeletePS - No need to get Ed's autograph for me just tell him I said hello.:)
You are the QUEEN of pancake-making! Way to go, Mavis!!!! You rock.
ReplyDeleteNow I understand 'Sorry, I was making pancakes all weekend' email. Good job. Unless they are kids like me that hate breakfast for dinner in which case they think you are the stupid mom that made them eat brekfast for dinner. Have a nice day! :)
ReplyDeleteYou have thoroughly impressed me today Mavis!! Good for you! :) NOW...for that much deserved break...what are you planning to do for the next week or two??
ReplyDeleteGood heavens. I'm exhausted.
ReplyDeleteTime to go fix lunch for my kids. Beans and rice, I think. They would definitely prefer pancakes---I know that for sure.
I'm sorry. Did you say coffee cake muffins?
ReplyDeleteMr.H...I will tell Ed you said Hi...and let me know if you'd like to sign up to serve "salad night"... I think they still need someone to fill in for Friday night's dinner...
ReplyDeleteThyhand..Now that you mention it... I should make myself a crown shouldn't I?
Leopard Girl... you are soooo stinkin traditional...and by the way... I received the recycled Christmas Gift... apparently "I'm the favorite sister"...hardy har har...
Camille...currently I have a pot of your refried beans on the stove...wish me luck :)
MamaJJ...while you're at it make me lunch too... I except fed ex packages...
Tori... in you can make 24 in 1 batch...and freeze them...that way you can save your starbux gift cards for something else :)
Oh...I DO hope you like them!!! Be sure to pour off water if it looks like too much...don't want soup! :)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, indeed. A crown in definitely in order and you must incorporate a pancake (either real or a reproduction) into it. Please share pictures once it's completed. You will (finally) be the envy of the neighborhood for sure.