Friday, January 1, 2010

How to Make Peach Sorbet.....

Lately... I've been craving Haagen Dazs Peach Sorbet...
It has got to be... hands down favorite non-ice cream flavor...

But it's pricey... and I'm not suppose to be buying stuff like that anymore... What I'm suppose to be doing is trying to figure out how to make it on my own instead of wasting money on uber expensive (read: YUMMY) luxury foods.

But then I remembered...
HEY... MAVIS... what about all those peaches you canned this summer?

Remember all that peach puree you have sitting there in the freezer from all the ugly peach bits?

Oh Yeah... (I should really talk to myself more often)

So this morning I set out on a mission...

Learn: How to make Peach Sorbet

Step 1: Gather up what you think you need...

Step 2... combine the sugar and the water in a saucepan and heat on low until the sugar has dissolved.

Don't worry if your peach puree has separated... it will be okay...

When the sugar has dissolved add in the lemon juice...

Then add the peach puree...

and taste...

Hmm... not peachy enough...

Add more peach puree...

And taste again...

Ahh.. perfection!

Set the timer for 20 minutes and turn it on...

Holy Stinkin Cow...

We have a winner!

2 pints of the best Peach Sorbet ever!!!!

made by me... Mavis... in my very own kitchen...


Would you like to make some too?

Well here's the recipe:

24oz thawed peach puree
3/4 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar
1/8th cup of lemon juice

In a saucepan combine the sugar and water til dissolved.
Turn off heat.
Add lemon juice and peach puree.
Stir to combine.
Pour into Kitchen Aid Ice Cream Freezer thing...
turn on thing and let it whip it up into heavenly peach sorbet bliss for about 20 minutes.
Pour into pint containers and freeze.

Then... at about 10 o'clock tonight when you are all warm and cozy in your bed ask your handsome husband to get up and get you a pint (and a spoon) of delicious homemade peach sorbet out of the freezer.


  1. Wow that looks yummy. Way to go creating the recipe yourself. I think you're a natural at this food-making thing- keep it up!:-)

    Now, if I could just convince Jamey to let me turn up the thermostat up to about 85 degrees...then I'd be ready for some of that sorbet:-).

  2. So the kitchenaid attachment = winner? I want all the attachments for mine but they are so expensive. However, I am currently spending at least $6/week on ice cream due to my pregnancy... 6 x 40 = $240, so the attachment would be a cost saver, right? :)

  3. I'm curious, when you freeze the sorbet do you have to let it thaw a bit before eating or can it be eaten as you would a store bought sorbet, straight out of the freezer? Sorry if this is a really stupid question...It looks so good, I love anything peach.

  4. Mr. H... you can eat it straight out of the freezer...just like store bought. All the peach sorbet has now been was just to stinkin good! I think we are going to try and make strawberry tomorrow :)

  5. Hi - I came to your blog by way of ThyHand, and I am enjoying your writing :)
    I get on sorbet benders in summer. If you use alcohol adding a few tablespoons will the sorbet from freezing rock hard and it's a great way to add a little boost of flavor.
    Tori - I definitely recommend the KA attachment; since it's just the bowl and paddle there is way less to store than a stand-alone ice cream maker. I keep the bowl in my freezer so it's always ready to go.

  6. Thanks for the tip Lily Girl...I too would recommend this contraption to's awesome :)


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