Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mavis and the rocks... part 1

I decided that today was as good a day as any to turn over all the raised garden beds... The girls have done an excellent job fertilizing... they only have one more box to go before I move them over to the potato patch...

Last spring... before I had decided to build 14 garden boxes... I put this giant 100 ft border of rocks down... then... instead of moving them again I built the garden boxes right up against the rocks...

I came very close to twisting my ankle several times last summer trying to walk on the rocks... Plus there was no hard ground to sit on when I was picking my vegetables...

Here's another angle...see... if I move the rocks over to the right a few feet...
1) I'll be able to walk around the garden boxes without breaking my leg...
2) I think I can squeeze 2 more raised beds in there...
(just don't tell my husband)...

What do you think? Wise move... or should I just leave them put?

Tonto thinks it will look better...
Tonto says... "Mavis... you are wise... to move heavy rock... to make more room... to feed your people... many a white man has become big and fat from eating to much fast food... better to plant vegetables..." Tonto also says... "Mavis... you are big...strong...housewife...if handsome husband doesn't see this... I have big tepee... plenty of room for you... you can grow all the vegetables you want... and I have a peace pipe too... "


I'll get back to you on that one Tonto...


  1. LOL, I agree with Tonto as he is very wise. I did the same thing when I built my greenhouse, I put a truckload of large gravel all around it as a border. I have been removing it a little at a time ever since as I found the space to be much more usful for vegetables...foolish white man that I am.

    Good luck and what a great winter workout.:)

  2. I think it's a smart move- I can see how it'd be hard to walk on them and there's no way you'd want to kneel on them. Well, unless Tonto has some kind of animal pelt for you to use.

  3. Mr. H... I think Tonto would agree that vegetables taste better than gravel soup...

    Thyhand...I'll ask Tonto about the animal pelt when I see him next...


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