Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend Photo's.....

This weekend I cleaned out the food storage room and discovered I had about 100 empty canning jars.....that means I only filled a little over 400 this year...not bad...
but hopefully next year I can fill more.
It appears the green tomatoes ARE turning colors.....
We made stir fry for dinner with the little baby butternut squash....
And it turned out great! I think I like it better than zucchini in stir fry.
We had crepes for dessert ...then breakfast the next day...
I told the husband that I am really glad we froze all those berries this summer...
You just cannot buy berries that taste this good any other time of year...
So with that...I think I am becoming a berry snob.
Do you see what I see?
This is the LAST batch (yippee) of oven roasted tomatoes for this year
And this?
This is the last batch of heirloom tomato sauce....
I am officially done canning for this year...
Quick...somebody cue the chorus...
Seriously...I'm done!
And I made this giant pot of chili...apparently I didn't soak the beans long enough...
so it's still simmering on the stove (day 2).
Lookie here....1 out of the 5 projects is finished...
And this....
I had been planning on making thyhand's blueberry buckle all stinkin week long.....
then I get everything mixed together and go to reach for the spring form pan
and it's not there....
my neighbor borrowed it LAST CHRISTMAS.....
and still has it....
I thought 6:45am was a little to early to call over there on a
Sunday morning so I had to improvise.....
I used my large tart pan....then had I had to make
3 baby blueberry buckles in baby tart pans....
try saying that three times fast....
Holy stinkin cow......
this is so stinkin good.....
The handsome husband has eaten 3 giant pieces so far.....
and let's just say....
I'm off to take a nap right now because I've eaten about half the big pan already
and it's only 2 in the afternoon.
I am seriously considering freezing the rest because I know that
when I wake up I will just start eating it again....
It's that good.


  1. I'm so glad you loved the buckle. Your view from the garden gate makes me smile- almost out loud- is that possible?

  2. ahh I just have to grow heirloom tomatoes -do you grow them from seed? Your are the master of canning--and I thought this year that I did good

  3. Yes, I did grow the tomatoes from seed...It would of cost a fortune to buy the 65+ plants that I ended up planting out... It's kind a exciting to start them from it cheap entertainment :)


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