Friday, March 19, 2010

Mavis's weekly photo update...

It's been another wild and crazy week for Mavis...

I volunteered over at the student store this week...
selling kids junk like tic tacs, pencils...

and $1.00 pens that will break in 30 seconds...

Oh... and then there was that little episode of gathering 86 boxes of FREE cereal...
Every wonder what 86 boxes of FREE cereal look like? Well now you know.

Busy as I was, I have managed to make 1 trade so far...
Wooo Hooo.... Free Cereal = Free Meat

But sadly... it was not all fun and games...
I was distracted with clipping coupons... and accidentally melted by favorite spatula.
So now... I'll have to add 1 large spatula to my list of possible items I will trade free food for.

Hey... my glasses broke... (that would be my spare pair... my favorite glasses broke months ago and I never got around to ordering a new pair) I was able to super glue them back together ... that lasted 3 days... Now... I'm sure a normal person (who is not distracted with coupons & gardening) would of ran out and ordered another pair of glasses... but not me... nope... I waited until they broke a SECOND TIME... and then tried to glue them back together again...

Only to accidentally super glue my fingers together

So we googled how to remove super glue from your finger...
and the magic computer said to use fingernail polish remover...
but when that didn't work...and knowing I had no intention on paying $10,005 for a quick trip to the ER... I had to call in a professional...

But first I had to wait...
So I checked in on my tomato seedlings...
Hello tomatoes... please grow... so I can eat you...

Finally professionals arrived with paint thinner...
It took about 5 minutes...
All the while the handsome husband was yelling at me to "stop whining and pull your fingers apart"... "here give me your hand"... "your skin will grow back"... "stop acting like such a girl"...

Ahhh husbands... are they sympathetic or what?
I should have reminded him that damaged fingers = no clipping coupons = no free junk food & beer for the handsome husband 'till the skin grows back... that would of shut him up...

Anyway... in the end... the fingers were separated... all skin intact...
just a little clump of super glue left of my fingers...
Yes... it's been a busy week...

How about you?
Anything exciting happen this week?


  1. You. Are. A. Trip.

    (Mr. Handsome's brother once super-glued his hand to his forehead.)

  2. The Pirate has requested a couple of boxes of Cocoa Pebbles for our Christmas gift pallet :)

  3. Love the photo updates Mavis ~ sorry about your super glue incident...nasty stuff that! What a week! :)

    Have a restful weekend!


I LOVE comments BUT if you know who we are...due to the fact that we are currently enrolled in the international witness relocation program because of a moon shining incident in Dingle, Ireland involving 3 Mutton, a pair of red shoes and a road flare .... please do not reveal our personal information.... You know.... like names, places, or our favorite brand of toilet paper :) Hey, thanks!