Friday, March 12, 2010

Planning ahead...

Today is rather gloomy outside...
imagine that... Seattle... gloomy...

So I have declared it a "Pajama Day"

Today I will stay inside... in my pajama's...
and plot out my garden...
I will draw out an official 2010 garden map...

I will lounge around in my pajama's and dream about eating fresh vegetables...
all you can eat bowls of salsa...
and grilled vegetables...

Yep... today is a pajama day!


  1. I'm just North of you...can I hve a pajama day too?? ;-)

  2. Mavis! How dare you post those kind of pictures so early in the season...tempting and leading us on like that.:) Are the dark tomatoes Black Krims?:):)

    The one thing I miss the most during the cold months is fresh green beans steamed with a little butter, salt, good.

  3. Love pajama days!!! Are these pics of your last years tomato crop? btw, I now have a hankering for chips and salsa!! Have a superbaliffic weekend lady!!!

  4. Mr. H... Japanese Black Trifle from seed savers... and they were MY FAVORITE tomatoes last year!

    Kathy... I think there should be a national pajama day... like printed on a calendar and everything... yes... those are my tomatoes... Have a great weekend :)

  5. you inspired me to go purchase myself some fresh and funky pajamas, so now I too can have a real pajama day!

    (i really did need pajamas, by the way. promise... lol!)


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