Monday, December 21, 2009

7 Layer bars... a nice winter treat.

I typically make these 7 layer bars about once a year... usually in the winter.
They are one of the handsome husbands favorite cookie treats. And they freeze well too.
I have no idea what happened to my 9" by 13" pan so I used this 10" by 15" pan I bought at the thrift store a while back for .49cents.

Start by crushing 2 cups of graham crackers... one of the reasons this is such a great treat to bake around the holidays is because when your husband comes home and tells you he just spent X amount of dollars on a particular present and did not use a coupon.... you may need to beat something with a rolling pin for a minute or two.

Melt 2 sticks of butter in the oven at 350 degrees...

Pour pulverised graham crackers over the butter to form a crust.

Add 2 cups of chocolate chips...

Add 2 cups of butterscotch chips...

Sprinkle 2 1/2 cups of sweetened shredded coconut of the top of the chips...

Then sprinkle 1 cup of chopped walnuts over the top of the coconut...

And... for ingredient #7 pour 2 cans (14oz ea) of sweetened condensed milk
over the top of the mixture.

Place in the 350 degree oven for 32 minutes... or until the top is a nice golden brown.

And if you are thinking... Oh Mavis... this looks expensive to make... No... No... It is not... because you will be keeping your eye out for clearance food items after Christmas... and then you will be using your coupons... and in turn getting the needed ingredients for almost next to nothing.

See... golden brown...

Let this cool for about an hour... then cut into 1" or 2" squares.

Did I mention these freeze well?


  1. I think I just had a heart attack.:) Your bars look delicious! I pleaded with my very much better half for some...she declined. I told her they were cheap...she declined. I even reminded here that they freeze luck. Any suggestions?

  2. Mr. H... perhaps you could give her all the ingredients as a "USEFUL GAG GIFT" Hardy Har Har.... Then she wouldn't have an excuse not to make them for you :)

  3. Actually, that is not a bad idea...hmm. Of course she will probably read this. We are going to use your toothpaste idea...someone will be so very excited.:)


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